Pill Poppin' 101
Pills. Everyone with chronic illnesses has a love/hate relationship with them. We know they help but taking oh so many a day is just...

SHOUT OUT: My First Piece for The Chronic'les of Girls
I am so excited to announce that this lovely blog The Chronic'les of Girls is now LIVE and my first of many pieces with them is up! The...
Remicade Woes
After 10 months on Remicade and after all that time that I thought the medicine was working for me, my body has decided to build...

Home Goods: a Love Affair
Breaking from my usual categories that I'm trying to establish on here, I have a love affair I have to confess. Anyone who is close with...

V EXCITING NEWS: I got a puppy!
VERY EXCITING NEWS! I got a toy Pomeranian puppy! Her name is Meli and as of today (10/23/16) she is almost 4 months old! She is 3.2...
MOOD: Bad Flare Blues
Hello lovelies, for the last 2 weeks I've been experiencing a horrible Crohn's Disease flare up. I thought I was going into remission,...

On my Instagram, a few people have asked me questions and tips about Remicade. For actual information about the medicine, click here. I...
MIA - my apologies
I apologize for being MIA these last few months on the blog! I am ashamed of myself! I have been putting my energy on my Instagram...
I woke up like this...
I woke up like this and I was not flawless. Hey, at least I admit it. With chronic pain, sometimes getting out of bed is just too...

HOTEL REVIEW: Hotel Plaza Athénée New York
(shameless bathroom selfie but the marble in the bathroom is beautiful) (sorry for the messy bed/room but how gorgeous) LIKE MARBLE...