About mAria Pitsoulakis

Hello to all! The name is Maria Pitsoulakis (obvious from the header) and I am the gal here running Chronically-Chic! I'm 24 years old and live my life between Maryland and Washington, D.C. I am a chronic pain sufferer, as I have daily chronic headaches, chronic migraines, Crohn's Disease, PCOS, and anxiety. I created this blog partly because many have asked about my lifestyle and how I maintain general happiness (and also what I eat, drink, wear, etc.) with multiple chronic illnesses. Mainly, I designed this blog to inspire anyone who is going through a rough time, has chronic pain like myself, or is in general looking for a more healthy, yet chic lifestyle. I want to show that being chronically ill cannot stop you from what you love.
IMAGE: Michael Suber Photography