Top 5 Spoonie Travel Essentials
As many of you many know, I love to travel and always encourage everyone no matter what to explore the world beyond our beds, even if...

SHOUT OUT: My First Piece for The Chronic'les of Girls
I am so excited to announce that this lovely blog The Chronic'les of Girls is now LIVE and my first of many pieces with them is up! The...
Follow me on Instagram: @chronically_chic
OMG I made an Instagram like most bloggers do these days! Follow me on Instagram: @chronically_chic #chronicpain #travel #dailylooks...

SHOUT OUT: Green Tea Boba from Urth Caffé
Green tea boba from Urth Caffé is life changing. Absolutely life changing. The green tea boba can be made with rice milk, which is...
Baltimore, Maryland is more friendly to a strict diet than most people think! This must see city that I grew up a half hour away from...
It is no surprise (like many other 20-something year olds) that I love to go to New York City and explore the city that never sleeps!...